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Username: Sailor12 Date: May 1, 2012 Person Who Banned You: idk Reason You Were Banned: Because of "greifing" and "language" I shoud be unbanned because: I was banned for greifing and innapropriate sign posting. I believe that this waz a mistake because actually, my house in "Faar" was greifed and some1 posted signs there. I was told that some1 hacked my account and did that, i found out who did, (spleamon) and sorta complained in a pe that was answered. After that, im sure that if u admins decide that this is a good ban appeal and unban me, that you will take away my house, that is okay, becasue it was totally looted and everything waz taken from it, i was REALLY upset when i found it in ruins, and even more upset when i found a sign saying that they killed my cat (*cry* it took me a while to get him) and f*** me.....
over 13 years ago
thank u for telling me that before i make the dire mistake of posting that!
over 13 years ago
also, i think i am considered a friend to any1 in the faction: Resistance, since i was one of the founding members.....
over 13 years ago
1. Minecraft IGN: Sailor12 2. Forum username: Sailor12 3. Age: 16 1/2 <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> 4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Pacific, i live in LA 5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: about 2 hours on week days, and 4 hours per day on the weekend, but, on vacation, I'll play like 3 hours a day everyday! i've been in minetown since about september, but i only became a member in october. (I've been playing since about the beginning of August, but i only found the awesomeness of multiplayer in late-August/ early-September!) 6. Friends in Minetown: PokemonGardevoir, StealthM23, ret100 (though he might be banned, i dont know) mrwang21, i wish i were friends with sawine..... thats it. 7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Well, when i first went on the server, it says i had bans on record. eventually, later that day i was banned. After talking with some admins on the site, i was unbanned, and it was marked as a mix-up. Because the server that i was banned on (it made the connection because of mcbans), i got unbanned from! 8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: i am 3rd in command on a server that is growing, and i was a mod on another that is now corrupt because of greifers and tnt users, after the experience, i think that if u let me become a mod, i will use that knowledge to stop future greifing and tnt using! 9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): i personally dont know what mumble is. but since my friends call me a computer geek, i might know about it, but i just dont know the name of it. 10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: I love to create and police wrong-doings from others. I love to create spectacular sculpters and buildings, along with my faction base (resistance). On the policing subject. I really like minetown, so i want to protect minetown from greifers, tnt users, stealers, and otehr criminals. I am also bright and a fast learner. So if i make a miniscule mistake, (which i wont) you can tell me what i should have done, and i will fix it and expand my knowledge in minecraft.Finally, I am smart, which can also be really helpful when figuring out bans and other dicisions. 11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: Not really, just that i go to a really good school (harvard-westlake), that i am honors in english, A to A- range in math <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(,">:(,</object> and A's in history and science. And as i mentioned before, i am really good with computers and minecraft. So good that me and my friends (mrwang21 and bmanZZZ11) CREATED a plugin/mod for our server. I think i would be a great addition to the minetown community and would help minetown be a safer place! PS) i also hav good ideas for the server ex.) an organized court that would be bans and unbans go easier, currency changes (iron lasts longer than gold! why is it below gold in the currency?!), nether forts and battles for factions, faction raids and wars (all of which are under superfision by a mod) and so much more! i hope that you accept my application, because i believe that if u don't, u will be missing out!
over 13 years ago